I know we are in trying times. The country is in tumult. Brother against brother, sister against sister, and friend against friend. What are we to do?
Here is an idea — speak your truth, but be kind. Listen more than you. Open your mind. Open your heart. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Then walk a mile in them.
We are all in the same boat. We can turn a blind eye to the proverbial iceberg ahead or we can steer away and clear of the impending catastrophe ahead. We know it's there, we do, but we do not know what it is or what it looks like.
Remember that phrase — Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it. Well, folks, we are on the precipice of that familiar cliff. We can walk it back or take that flying leap into the abyss of war, chaos, and famine.
It is our nature. Our human nature? Or, our animal nature? We could be evolving into our divine nature. But, that takes work, sacrifice, and awareness.
I am an optimist. We have so much to do and become. Science and technology are making new strides every day. New ways of solving old problems exist. For instance, three young women developed a straw that can detect a date rape drug. Amazing right? Simple but not easy, I assure you.
Every day new thinking is moving us forward. But here is the thing, we must be honest, truthful, and open. Otherwise, we are going down that same old black hole of hopelessness and despair. When there is such much to be grateful for we miss what is right there.
Hope. We must have hope. I will be honest. In 1995 I was diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder. They told me it’s treatable like diabetes. You will have it all your life. Treatable with medication and talk therapy. I have struggled a lot since then staying on medication and having someone to talk to. A year and a half ago, I had an episode. I could not work and I went into debt and considered ending it all. I climbed out of the pit. I found a great job after starts and stops. I got health insurance. I now have medication to help me with anxiety and depression. I make enough to pay my bills and for the first time in a long time — I am truly happy. I now can go to the doctor and I do and you know what?
I have type 2 diabetes. But you know what? the best thing that could have happened to me. I am duty-bound to stay at my new awesome job, keep my benefits, go to the Dr., exercise, and eat healthily. I will start where I am and be truthful and trust my heart and my mind to lead me where I am meant to be.
That is the Truth. Nothing but the Truth. So help me — I AM.